Friday, May 18, 2012

Sex Over 40 – The Best Sex Yet!

Sex Over 40 – The Best Sex Yet!
By Maggie Harvey
Like I said, women over their 40s have it better…especially when it comes to sex. Yep, sex over 40—even if you’re in your 50s and beyond—is not only enjoyable, it’s more fun and pleasurable!

Of course, there are issues that you’ve got to face when you have sex over 40 but heck, there are always issues in every little thing! We women can go menstrual over everything, so says my hubby. It’s the bane of the female of the species.

But I digress…

So, having sex when you’re over 40—senior sex, as I call it—could be fun, but you may have concerns. And I know your concerns. I’ve been through them.
Over 40 Sex and Vaginal Dryness

For women, life after 40 means coming to terms with such things as menopause. Well, you may not have to deal with it at the onset but once you turn 50ish, menopause is a sure thing. And one of the things that makes sex over 40—and especially sex over 50—iffy is vaginal dryness.

When we were younger and still in our childbearing years, we didn’t worry over vaginal lubrication (except when we were stressed). We had the necessary hormones that kept the tissues in our vagina well-lubricated and elastic. More importantly, these hormones facilitated sperm movement to help us get pregnant.

Life after 40, particularly around 47 to 55, our vagina thins and the hormones that aided in vaginal lubrication take a nosedive. Suddenly, sex becomes a tad painful and we experience itching, brought on by vaginal dryness.

Of course, foreplay is the best vaginal lubricant ever so talking with your partner about its importance in satisfying sex over 40 will help counter vaginal dryness. If foreplay doesn’t cut it, there’s KY Jelly (with all its “sizzling” bells and whistles), Sylk or Replens that are available over the counter.

You can also talk with your gynecologist if OTC lubricants don’t work. Ask her to prescribe vaginal dryness aids (creams or pessaries) that contain estrogen that perk up our vaginal lining and thus aid in lubrication. (Btw, don’t be shy about this stuff with your gynecologist. Believe me, wanting less painful sex in your 40s and 50s is the tamest compared to the women stuff she handles!)
Over 40 Sex and Joint Aches and Pains

Okay, arthritis and stiff joints are facts of life, but they are more a reality in sex over 40 or 50. We’re no longer as supple as when we were 20somethings and definitely, just thinking of any in-bed, er, acrobatics just make you wince in pain.

There’s no getting around it. Sex over 50 could present a stamina challenge but getting creative with positioning—without breaking out into acrobatics—is the best solution.

Using pillows, spooning, or lying on your sides will go a long way in getting rid of the twinges and throbbing. Taking painkillers or a warm shower also helps relieve joint stiffness and pain. You’ll have to experiment as to timing when it comes to these types of joint relief, whether you can relax aching joints and muscles before or after having sex.
Over 40 Sex and Heart Attacks

Men seem to be more concerned about heart attacks than women when having sex over 40 or 50. However, whether man or woman, senior sex merits a thousand second thoughts because of the strain that’s placed on the heart, particularly for those who have heart conditions.

If you’ve had a heart attack scare, the best thing to do to keep enjoying senior sex is talking to your doctor about it. The rule of thumb: if you can climb two flights of stairs without experiencing heart attack symptoms, then you’re healthy enough to have sex.

In case you’ve had a heart attack in the past, experts say six weeks of recovery should get you back to enjoying senior sex. Of course, I’m not a doctor so take this advice with a grain of salt. The best thing to do? Talk with your cardiologist first regarding the best time to have sex after recovering from a heart attack.

But when it comes to senior sex and heart attacks though, you have less to worry if you’re only making love with your spouse. It seems that sex and heart attacks go hand in hand when you’re being unfaithful. In a study, 19 out of 42 Japanese men had a stroke while having adulterous sex while 8 in 10 men who died during sex were being unfaithful at the time. :) (Personally, I think intense guilt and sex don’t sit well with the heart, don’t you?)
Pregnancy and Safe Over 40 Sex

In sex over 40 and 50, we don’t worry much about unplanned pregnancies because we are better at preventing it and because of menopause. Still, it shouldn’t be an excuse to throw safe sex out the window.

The UK’s Health Protection Agency released an alarming discovery recently, saying that those over 45 had doubled their chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from their partners, and that’s in the last 10 years alone.

Don’t get floored by STD. A little precaution, especially when it comes to new partners, will go a long way.

Sex over 40 and 50 is fun, despite these challenges. Keeping them in mind will help you enjoy senior sex without the blues or the ouches. What do you think?


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